Friday, April 9, 2010


I'm in the last year of university and this semester I devoted to finish my pending courses, so the next semester I can begin my thesis.
About this course, I can say that I hate the English and I really prefer other language like the French or Italian, but in this Faculty we haven’t many options.
However I’m admitting the importance of English especially in our field and this semester I hope improve my pronunciation…


  1. Hello Francisca.
    You can't hate English. You don't seem like the sort of person who has hate in their hearts. Anyway, I thought there were chances to study French in the faculty.Sorry to hear that.

  2. I'm sorry...
    You aren't guilty. My relation with the English always had been problematic, but really I don't hate it, I was overreacting...

  3. Hi Francisca. No worries. Remember to answer on my blog the next time.
