Saturday, May 29, 2010


When I think in my favorite piece of Technology,
first thing that comes to mind are the two things that I more use: my mobile phone and my laptop. But aren’t really my preferred piece, they only are some of the things that I need for to study or to be communicate with my family and my friends, however both have many things that I detest!
I got my mobile phone in 2007, after than steal me the other in Transantiago ¬¬, I use it for receive call, because hardly never I have money in the mobile phone. I admit it, is really useful for to be communicate, emergencies and many things, but too is very bother the relation of dependence that we generate with it! I detest the call when I’m in class or sleeping, too the people that in the bus listen music in his mobile phone with many volume, I think: “Ok, we know, you have mobile phone…like everybody!”
My laptop too is really useful (I love it!), because I can carry it to library o when I trip, or when is cold I can use it in my bed. Too I keep in my laptop my pictures, works or music, and obviously I connect internet. However if you ask me for other uses communes of internet, I don’t like read books in the laptop, I really prefer have a good book in my hands. Too the music, I continue buy CD in the stores. I don’t know why, but listen it different…

Friday, May 14, 2010

Termas del Flaco

In the summer of 2009 I did one of the trip that I remember whit more dearly. I was to Termas del Flaco, a very unknown place in the range of mountain of the sixth region of difficult access because only can to go in car and the way is only in one direction so in the morning the path goes up to and in the evening the vehicles can to go down. In general the trip took three hours and the car can’t go more than 60 or 70 kilometers per hour because the way isn’t paved and is in the bank of the river. The interesting f this place is what in winter the river destroyed the road, so the most of the year is inhabited and isn’t house, only hostel and camping.
In that occasion I went with my boyfriend and was great! Because he studies Geographic so he was happy collected fossils and taking pictures of the landscape. The most famous place in this Termas is some dinosaur’s tracks where only you arrive walk for more of one hour, but it is worth it!
In the termas power cut at 10 o’clock, so the pubs and the road are illuminated whit candles or artificial lights, also the swimming-pool of thermal water.
Was a great experience!