Friday, May 14, 2010

Termas del Flaco

In the summer of 2009 I did one of the trip that I remember whit more dearly. I was to Termas del Flaco, a very unknown place in the range of mountain of the sixth region of difficult access because only can to go in car and the way is only in one direction so in the morning the path goes up to and in the evening the vehicles can to go down. In general the trip took three hours and the car can’t go more than 60 or 70 kilometers per hour because the way isn’t paved and is in the bank of the river. The interesting f this place is what in winter the river destroyed the road, so the most of the year is inhabited and isn’t house, only hostel and camping.
In that occasion I went with my boyfriend and was great! Because he studies Geographic so he was happy collected fossils and taking pictures of the landscape. The most famous place in this Termas is some dinosaur’s tracks where only you arrive walk for more of one hour, but it is worth it!
In the termas power cut at 10 o’clock, so the pubs and the road are illuminated whit candles or artificial lights, also the swimming-pool of thermal water.
Was a great experience!


  1. The thermal baths are great, I like swimming in there, is very relaxing.

  2. I would like know The Termas del Flaco.. I live some next of there. the photos are beautiful.

  3. I' dont believe that there is dinosaur’s tracks!!! or I poorly understood? Is very nice to know hidden places because there are amazing thinks.

  4. So, the place is almost a ghost place in winter? (for de river, I say)
