Saturday, May 29, 2010


When I think in my favorite piece of Technology,
first thing that comes to mind are the two things that I more use: my mobile phone and my laptop. But aren’t really my preferred piece, they only are some of the things that I need for to study or to be communicate with my family and my friends, however both have many things that I detest!
I got my mobile phone in 2007, after than steal me the other in Transantiago ¬¬, I use it for receive call, because hardly never I have money in the mobile phone. I admit it, is really useful for to be communicate, emergencies and many things, but too is very bother the relation of dependence that we generate with it! I detest the call when I’m in class or sleeping, too the people that in the bus listen music in his mobile phone with many volume, I think: “Ok, we know, you have mobile phone…like everybody!”
My laptop too is really useful (I love it!), because I can carry it to library o when I trip, or when is cold I can use it in my bed. Too I keep in my laptop my pictures, works or music, and obviously I connect internet. However if you ask me for other uses communes of internet, I don’t like read books in the laptop, I really prefer have a good book in my hands. Too the music, I continue buy CD in the stores. I don’t know why, but listen it different…

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