Friday, June 4, 2010

"She isn't sick, she's a dancer"

When Ken Robinson said “the public education only formed university teachers” that live in their heads and they are disembodied, really doesn’t talk about the Chilean education. In our case, public education, in general, is worse than that. He said that the system only developed the academic abilities and the school don’t worked the artistic abilities, this problem continue in the University and in the job, because now is necessary have more studies and academic support for to be accepted in the society. According to Ken Robinson, actual system was designed for have most useful subjects for work and to dominate the intelligence.
I consider that is really interesting to think in the children like potential genius and artist, but is really stunning to imagine how many talented people don’t know develop its abilities because in the school, one of the most important phase in our formation, isn’t important to work in the progress of creative capacities.
I think that in the Chilean case, the public education have more problems. Here the children learn to read or write really tardy and they have serious problems of understanding. So, I ask me ¿What is first: developed some basic abilities in the children or help them to work in their creative capacities? Maybe the solution is evolve with the same importance both field and to put the activities that help to developed the artistic and creative capacities in a significant place, because we can to be responsible of the loss some brilliant children…


  1. This is really sad, I think in many children that lose the oportunity to be what they want to be...

  2. I believe that the better would be that the education has correspondence with the functioning of the life, they were the same thing.

  3. I think are so many factors involved in education, that is difficult handle everyone. Nevertheless, is true chilean case isn't the best try we can do.
    About title: was a memorable phrase n.n
