I review the blog of Constanza, it calls “Rosarito” (I think that this name is for her city, or not?). I think that the design of the blog is really nice! And is evident her dedication in the title and the pictures that she publish in the blog in the lasts posts and she have a profile where say what is her favorite music, movies or books. I think that in a blog the picture are as important like the text, and really like the pictures of the post in this blog, especially the photography of San Pedro de Atacama
Among all the post of this blog I prefer “Favourite artist” because even though Pedro Lira isn’t my favorite artist I like the piece that Constanza commented on her post and too every time that I saw “La carta” I think who was wrote it? Why she hide the letter? What is writing in the letter? I’m very curious to know! Do you not?
I consider that I don’t to be the more appropriate person for say you what you should to improve, but maybe you can to put attention in the conjugation of the verbs and in the articles that you use in your sentences. I think that your blog is nice (I say the same in the first lines xD), but maybe when you write the post you can to enclose some phases or little questions that to invite to participate to people that read your blog…
Don`t ask me why I choose this image for the post, but the blog “Rosarito” refer me happiness and colors :)…
Among all the post of this blog I prefer “Favourite artist” because even though Pedro Lira isn’t my favorite artist I like the piece that Constanza commented on her post and too every time that I saw “La carta” I think who was wrote it? Why she hide the letter? What is writing in the letter? I’m very curious to know! Do you not?
I consider that I don’t to be the more appropriate person for say you what you should to improve, but maybe you can to put attention in the conjugation of the verbs and in the articles that you use in your sentences. I think that your blog is nice (I say the same in the first lines xD), but maybe when you write the post you can to enclose some phases or little questions that to invite to participate to people that read your blog…
Don`t ask me why I choose this image for the post, but the blog “Rosarito” refer me happiness and colors :)…