Friday, June 18, 2010

"We are chilean!!!"

If you ask me for the Chilean and our culture, I remember many people that say: “the Chilean haven’t national identity because all their culture is a copy” and yes, maybe they to be right, I think that not every time we have a strong sense of identity like country, however in little things we can recognize commune elements among the majority of the persons, like the food or some characteristic habits. I don’t like the football (I really detest it!), but when the national team won game against Honduras the people were very happy! In that moment all (or the majority) of the people believe more Chilean that never. Too when many persons going to Italy Square to celebrate, the people to hug each other, they jump, song, shout. I went the last year (don’t ask me why please ¬¬) and was really amazing for me how the people shout “we are Chilean!!!”
I have to say that I don’t like the “nationalism” and many of the things that this word represents. I think that in name of the “our country” the people can to do really bad things. I admit that not every time the people have bad intentions, but the consequences are almost always the same.
I think that is great to believe this felling of to be a member of an human group and to believe us protections in it, but you don’t think that will be better to believe this in all places and feel us like “world citizen”?


  1. i´m very agree with you, because to favour the nationalism isn´t one good idea really, this concept to create false differences and stupid prides

  2. Well, I don't have the experience but always I've heared when a person leaves his country, he misses a lot. Is a reason for the Chilean community abroad.
    I think there must be something that identifies us, that we connect with others world citizens behind the cultural differences.

  3. Me too I think the same about the chilean, but I think that in every place happen the same, I say that in other countries the people also they feel the emotion of their nationality.

  4. Im sorry! I did the post with the count of my boyfriend!!! he's "visitor Q".
