Friday, July 2, 2010

My blog

I have a relationship of love-hate with my blog. Why? Because I said every time “I don’t like the blogs” or “why the people think that their opinion is such important and interesting?” So, how you can to sense when the teacher said “this semester we are going to written a blog” I wasn’t the happiest person. But with the time I can say that I’m used to write every Fridays my blog, however I admit that this isn’t my favorite activity.

I enjoy writing some post like my favorite picture or when we spoke about our photography of trips, but give my opinion about technology or websites wasn’t really entertaining (nothing personal with the teacher)

Although I don’t like to much the blog for personal reasons, I think that to write regularly is really a good idea for help us to improve some things in English. In my case, only I read in English some text for the university or when I watch movies with subtitles or series (I love it, above all “Dexter”!) but hardly ever I have the opportunity of to practice my pronunciation or how I can to speak whit other people, because obviously I can’t go to kiosk and say: “Hi aunt! I want a tea please”J. So, I think the blog is important for to practice our language.

If you ask me for the advantages and disadvantages of the blog, I think that blogging have to much more good things, but I feel that we have any problems with the time, because sometimes one hour is little time for to write our blog and to do three posts in the blogs of our classmate…

Now, I’m used to write my blog but I’m sure that when the class of English finish I don’t write other blog…

Friday, June 25, 2010

The blog "Rosarito"

I review the blog of Constanza, it calls “Rosarito” (I think that this name is for her city, or not?). I think that the design of the blog is really nice! And is evident her dedication in the title and the pictures that she publish in the blog in the lasts posts and she have a profile where say what is her favorite music, movies or books. I think that in a blog the picture are as important like the text, and really like the pictures of the post in this blog, especially the photography of San Pedro de Atacama
Among all the post of this blog I prefer “Favourite artist” because even though Pedro Lira isn’t my favorite artist I like the piece that Constanza commented on her post and too every time that I saw “La carta” I think who was wrote it? Why she hide the letter? What is writing in the letter? I’m very curious to know! Do you not?
I consider that I don’t to be the more appropriate person for say you what you should to improve, but maybe you can to put attention in the conjugation of the verbs and in the articles that you use in your sentences. I think that your blog is nice (I say the same in the first lines xD), but maybe when you write the post you can to enclose some phases or little questions that to invite to participate to people that read your blog…
Don`t ask me why I choose this image for the post, but the blog “Rosarito” refer me happiness and colors :)…

Friday, June 18, 2010

"We are chilean!!!"

If you ask me for the Chilean and our culture, I remember many people that say: “the Chilean haven’t national identity because all their culture is a copy” and yes, maybe they to be right, I think that not every time we have a strong sense of identity like country, however in little things we can recognize commune elements among the majority of the persons, like the food or some characteristic habits. I don’t like the football (I really detest it!), but when the national team won game against Honduras the people were very happy! In that moment all (or the majority) of the people believe more Chilean that never. Too when many persons going to Italy Square to celebrate, the people to hug each other, they jump, song, shout. I went the last year (don’t ask me why please ¬¬) and was really amazing for me how the people shout “we are Chilean!!!”
I have to say that I don’t like the “nationalism” and many of the things that this word represents. I think that in name of the “our country” the people can to do really bad things. I admit that not every time the people have bad intentions, but the consequences are almost always the same.
I think that is great to believe this felling of to be a member of an human group and to believe us protections in it, but you don’t think that will be better to believe this in all places and feel us like “world citizen”?

Friday, June 11, 2010

Dream, believe and dare

Is really difficult to choose only one favorite picture! Do you not think?
Maybe this picture isn’t my favorite but is especially because remember me some important people for me. In my school there were two walls that every year panting the group that were in the last year of school. In 2006, I and my friends decide to make the mural painting of my class. We thought many time in the image and in the phrase more suitable for the mural painting and finally we choose this for one motive: we had about to finish the school and in few time we have to change our life and to live in other places, so we to be afraid. In that moment we needed to hear something like this phrase: Dream, believe and dare.
We make this mural painting among four people and were its many days working for many hours, you can’ to imagine how difficult was painting the little square! However was great the teamwork and to speak for hours or to finish the day with paint in all our body.
This mural painting was important too because was the last time that we work together. The next year we go back to school and took this picture (you can see the wear out of the painting), but in that moment we were in the university to study in different cities. I like this picture because one of my friends love the art, but his parents didn’t in her talent and they don’t support her for study art, so when she see this mural painting and remember our long conversation he decided to change of career and now is an artist…

Friday, June 4, 2010

"She isn't sick, she's a dancer"

When Ken Robinson said “the public education only formed university teachers” that live in their heads and they are disembodied, really doesn’t talk about the Chilean education. In our case, public education, in general, is worse than that. He said that the system only developed the academic abilities and the school don’t worked the artistic abilities, this problem continue in the University and in the job, because now is necessary have more studies and academic support for to be accepted in the society. According to Ken Robinson, actual system was designed for have most useful subjects for work and to dominate the intelligence.
I consider that is really interesting to think in the children like potential genius and artist, but is really stunning to imagine how many talented people don’t know develop its abilities because in the school, one of the most important phase in our formation, isn’t important to work in the progress of creative capacities.
I think that in the Chilean case, the public education have more problems. Here the children learn to read or write really tardy and they have serious problems of understanding. So, I ask me ¿What is first: developed some basic abilities in the children or help them to work in their creative capacities? Maybe the solution is evolve with the same importance both field and to put the activities that help to developed the artistic and creative capacities in a significant place, because we can to be responsible of the loss some brilliant children…

Saturday, May 29, 2010


When I think in my favorite piece of Technology,
first thing that comes to mind are the two things that I more use: my mobile phone and my laptop. But aren’t really my preferred piece, they only are some of the things that I need for to study or to be communicate with my family and my friends, however both have many things that I detest!
I got my mobile phone in 2007, after than steal me the other in Transantiago ¬¬, I use it for receive call, because hardly never I have money in the mobile phone. I admit it, is really useful for to be communicate, emergencies and many things, but too is very bother the relation of dependence that we generate with it! I detest the call when I’m in class or sleeping, too the people that in the bus listen music in his mobile phone with many volume, I think: “Ok, we know, you have mobile phone…like everybody!”
My laptop too is really useful (I love it!), because I can carry it to library o when I trip, or when is cold I can use it in my bed. Too I keep in my laptop my pictures, works or music, and obviously I connect internet. However if you ask me for other uses communes of internet, I don’t like read books in the laptop, I really prefer have a good book in my hands. Too the music, I continue buy CD in the stores. I don’t know why, but listen it different…

Friday, May 14, 2010

Termas del Flaco

In the summer of 2009 I did one of the trip that I remember whit more dearly. I was to Termas del Flaco, a very unknown place in the range of mountain of the sixth region of difficult access because only can to go in car and the way is only in one direction so in the morning the path goes up to and in the evening the vehicles can to go down. In general the trip took three hours and the car can’t go more than 60 or 70 kilometers per hour because the way isn’t paved and is in the bank of the river. The interesting f this place is what in winter the river destroyed the road, so the most of the year is inhabited and isn’t house, only hostel and camping.
In that occasion I went with my boyfriend and was great! Because he studies Geographic so he was happy collected fossils and taking pictures of the landscape. The most famous place in this Termas is some dinosaur’s tracks where only you arrive walk for more of one hour, but it is worth it!
In the termas power cut at 10 o’clock, so the pubs and the road are illuminated whit candles or artificial lights, also the swimming-pool of thermal water.
Was a great experience!

Friday, April 16, 2010

February 27th 2010

In February 27th 2010 I’m in my house, in San Fernando. I had arrived some minutes before to the earthquake and I were see TV, in the first moment I thought that it finishing soon, but the movement increased and when I try to go out, it was really difficult to walk.
That night I and my brother were alone in the house, and my mother there is in the beach, so we try to call her, too my father and grand-fathers, but was really impossible until the 7 o’clock at the morning.
Before to February 27th I had many scared to the earthquake because I never had lived this situation and I don’t know how I react, but I was really calm and I didn’t feel fear.
I think that I wasn’t nervous because in my house and in my neighborhood hadn’t serious damage, but at the next day, when I see the TV, other places of my city and I knew about the tsunami, I was aware of what had happened the last night.

Friday, April 9, 2010


I'm in the last year of university and this semester I devoted to finish my pending courses, so the next semester I can begin my thesis.
About this course, I can say that I hate the English and I really prefer other language like the French or Italian, but in this Faculty we haven’t many options.
However I’m admitting the importance of English especially in our field and this semester I hope improve my pronunciation…